Hello Thailand.


home made dinner


 This morning, I went to school with girls.




It was my first time to take boat to school in my whole life! 

We were supposed to take cheaper one which just costs 3 baht,

but there was no more boat after 10am.

Instead of that, we took another one costs 15 baht. 


We completed our arrival forms and just walked around the school for a while.




For me, it was a lot of fun because everything was just so colorful and didn't look a

university. We could also exchange foreign currency even in Thammasat!


On a way to back home, we saw girls seemed to be Thammasat students.

They were wering several types of skirts so maybe we need to pick one out of them tomorrow. 


After coming back home, actually I had nothing to do, so I was watching a coulple of YouTube videos for learning Thai. But it seemed so hard for me!!!

I just learned how to introduce myself and count 1-10😂


From 6:30pm, we began to cook Thai green curry together!





Sriprapa and Asako cutting veggies.




Krista stiring chiken with serious face.




Krista and me cooking but I'm serious.


Cooking together was just so much fun!

At this dinner time, we met a guy from Tokyo Japan.

I am just so happy to have made many friends at once.




Today's dinner was much milder than yesterday's tho..

but the taste was just awesome!


I'm getting used to those spicy foods anyway!



We are going to school tomorrow as today!


Hope to get a cute Thai school uniform😂